Wool Garments

Woven from 100% organic Namaqualand Merino Wool, we personally oversee every part of your garment's journey from fleece to front door. Our ethos is to bring it back home, so we do all refining processes locally, before entrusting the yarn to our community weavers for the final knitting. Nothing escapes our gaze... from our trademark jumpers and hand-tailored wool trousers to our ponchos and the new Veldt Walker hat (sustainably created from our fleece off-cuts).
So much so that the unique BAA code on each garment tracks that wool back to the specific sheep who grew it for you!

Cotton Garments

Wool being essentially an Autumn/Winter product, we've created our cotton range to ensure our team has year-round employment and the much-needed income it provides.
And whilst these garments carry the same uncompromising Tough Love ethos of quality materials and hand-tailored craftsmanship, we have had to source our cotton from Mauritius and India.
Whilst we have some fine home-grown cotton farmers, the local processing industry sadly met much the same fate as wool, with the real value (in milling and refining) all sitting overseas. We are hard at work to revive the local cotton industry in the same way we've had such success with our merino wool... so watch this space!